
Showing posts from September, 2019

Excerpt from my book.


Try Again

This inspirational poem is for everyone. It will motivate you to get up every morning, enhance your spirit and make you a better person everyday When you wake up in the morning, And the hurting is so great, You don't want to get, out of bed, And face a world of hate.  If everything in life goes wrong, And nothing you do seems right, Just remember, try a little harder and soon you'll see the light. For every person who has given you hurt, put your morale down and filled your life with pain.  You must strive to achieve greatness and show them you can win. For every disappointments and whenever you were let down, There will be better moments and your life will turn around. Because everyone feels heartache and everyone feels pain, But only those who have true courage can get up and try again.

What to expect in my book

40 copies sold. 📔 📒 📕 📗 📘 📙 📖 If u still haven't read my book yet, what are you waiting for? Grab your copies because this tale will make you reminisce the memories of your past. While reading, you will recall the sweet, jolly and wonderful memories of your friends, the college campus where you have spent the golden days of our lives and yes of course this story will make you believe that there are a whole lot of things we can learn from each other. Last but not the least, don't forget to meet MIKE, he is the real magic of this BOOK. 😍 😍

Ayurvedic Acutherapy

Its all about treating your own selves and the people around you. Its easy to learn, study , teach, practice and treat. Medical kit includes: Seeds, magnets, sketch pens