Saying good bye is tough

Ever Since I was a child, I remember I found it extremely difficult to say goodbye; whether it was going back home from evening play time or shifting into a new place, the act of leaving someone close or saying goodbye to my favourite place always took an extra effort on my behalf.
Looking back now, all that seems so juvenile and childish compared to the bigger decision I make now, and especially since its something we all have to learn do to.

Source: Google image

Today I wonder what the future has in store for me and my friends. Its difficult to imagine everybody scattered in different parts of the world-and yet this is the inevitable. Like letting go of your favourite bicycle for want of a larger one, here too, difficult though it may be, it is time to move on. My life at college was unique and brought with it new experiences and emotions and it is this that will stay with all of us for a longer time to come.

                                                                Source: Google image

As I walk through the gates of life, waving good bye and looking back at the institution that gave me so much priceless memories to treasure. But the things I miss the most are; fun times with friends, a memories galore. And it is this that will keep me coming back, to the place that made me and helped me grow. 

Many of my friends have forgotten me, many of them have left me mid way, but I have no more complaints against anyone. Whenever I feel lonely, I close my eyes, reminisce memories with my friends, silently smile and giggle and yeah that's enough to turn me positive, bright and happy again.  

'Sometimes saying goodbye, is the best choice.'
Source: Google image


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