
Showing posts from 2019

Latest review

Before 2019, ends here comes an interesting review about my novel.

My debut Interview

Click on the link to read my debut interview with Blue Rose Publisher's. https://bookrelease.wordpress. com/2019/12/21/author- interview-pooja-atul- kokanthankar/

Corporate Lesson 1

In this this post I will be listing down some lessons from large corporations to help you survive change. Corporate Lesson 1  A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day A small rabbit saw the crow and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?' The crow answered ,'Sure, why not.' So the rabbit, sat on the ground, just below the crow and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. Moral of the story: That to be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Personality Development Lessons

Following are 12 lessons, one must be aware to achieve success in the school of life 1) Never compare yourself with anyone in this world, because in that case you are insulting your own self. 2) No one will manufacture a lock with a key, similarly God has solutions for all questions. 3) Life laughs at you when you are unhappy, life smiles at you when you are happy, life salutes you when you make others happy. 4) Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending. So accept the pain and get ready for success. 5) Its easy to judge mistake of others, difficult is to recognize our own mistakes. Similarly it is easier to protect our feet with slippers than to cover the earth with a carpet. 6) No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but any one can start instantly and create a successful ending. 7) If a problem can be solved no need to worry about it, but if a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying. 8) If you miss

My first Children Fiction Story

Anand gets a new best friend “ FRIENDSHIP HAS NO BOUNDARIES” Six-year-old ANAND SHARMA belonged to a middle class family from Mathura.   His parents had provided him with basic necessities of life which they could afford within their limited means.   However, Anand always felt the absence of a close friend or a buddy in his life, with whom he could share his feelings. RAGHU a thirty- year- old local toy shop owner was fond of Anand and presented him toys to make him happy. Once, while returning from school, Anand accidently dropped the toy which he was carrying.   To his utter surprise, he realised that it was a magical toy which could speak and that its name was MANDY. This revelation bonded them together and they both started enjoying each other’s company.   Hereafter, Anand’s life took a pleasant turn with Mandy taking his friend to the magical, joyful and exciting world of toys and ferries.   All this gave Anand memorable experiences, which later turned out t

Change your life via handwriting strokes

Myself Ms. Pooja Atul Kumar, Psychologist (Organization Behaviour), a Certified Trainer , Published author of two books, Qualified Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst) and a Certified Acupressure Therapist. Having 9 years experience, of successfully analysing handwritings and signature samples of individuals from all walks of life; Students, Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Business Executives and many more. Using the knowledge of Psychology, Human Behaviour and Grapho-Therapy, my clients have benefitted in areas like Improved Interpersonal Skills, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Building Relationships, Developing Positive Outlook, Enhancing their Personal and Professional lives. Grapho-Therapy helps in incorporating positivity, improving self image, public image and self esteem, raising individual goal levels, reducing stress and anxiety level, improving concentration, bringing happiness in one’s life. My aim is to help and guide my clients in achieving their goals and fulf

An Unimaginable Science

According to The World Health Organization (WHO), 'Acupressure therapy is the most simplest form of treatment procedure available to the man. It is an ancient mode of treatment, known to mankind for last 6000 years. Till date thousands of people from various countries have learned this mode of treatment and many people are practicing it worldwide. This science has become a widely accepted mode of alternative treatment all over the world. Today in our day to day practice too, knowingly or unknowingly we have adopted acupressure therapy. It can be very well explained through the following example:- 1) Tying a thread around the waist, wrist and ankle of a baby. 2) Wearing a locket. 3) Indian females wear a vermillion(bindi) on a point which is very important from acupressure point of view. 4) Similarly different ornaments worn especially by Indian females like bangles, anklets etc are beneficial as it stimulates the acupressure points. One can easily learn this

Saying good bye is tough

Ever Since I was a child, I remember I found it extremely difficult to say goodbye; whether it was going back home from evening play time or shifting into a new place, the act of leaving someone close or saying goodbye to my favourite place always took an extra effort on my behalf. Looking back now, all that seems so juvenile and childish compared to the bigger decision I make now, and especially since its something we all have to learn do to. Source: Google image Today I wonder what the future has in store for me and my friends. Its difficult to imagine everybody scattered in different parts of the world-and yet this is the inevitable. Like letting go of your favourite bicycle for want of a larger one, here too, difficult though it may be, it is time to move on. My life at college was unique and brought with it new experiences and emotions and it is this that will stay with all of us for a longer time to come.                                                          

Laughing is the best medicine

While teaching roman numerical; Teacher: If X is 10 and L is 50, what is XL? Student: I'm not sure, but I saw the numbers on the tags of my mum's clothes. Therapist: Tell me, what is your biggest fear? Me, hiding behind the couch: Therapists. Grandma: When is your b'day? Pooja: 27th Jan. Grandma: What year? Pooja: Every year.  'What is your name Sir?' the bank teller asked politely. 'Don't you see my signature?' said the man. 'Yes , Sir. That's what aroused my curiosity.' The end of the year makes me feel- Like it is finally time I start exercising ……. again! That I've successfully wasted 12 months of the year. Like I'm unstoppable, just like time. Energized to create new resolutions.... and break them. Sad that the holidays are over. Like a brave warrior who survived yet another crazy year.

I learnt importance of a mobile

College days are termed as the golden days in one’s life, its said they are the beautiful days which can only be enjoyed once and they do not return back. July 2009, It was my first day of degree college, those days I didn’t own a mobile phone nor was I very keen in buying one as I used to consider it a burden, to carry it the whole day. Though my parents often repeatedly insisted me to buy one, but I was quite firm on my decision, will buy only if necessary. It was my first journey in the Mumbai   BEST bus. Though I had previously travelled in the bus but only with my mom, but this time I had to travel all by my own self. Before proceeding from home, she orally told me plus I too penned down the bus route numbers which will drop me near the college i.e. 123 and 106. I reached the bus stop around 7 AM, turned happy to notice bus no. 106 was already waiting at the depot. I boarded the bus, occupied a vacant seat and patiently waited for the bus to move. Things looked so simp

Facts of Human Brain

The Human Brain Following are some of the cool interesting facts about the human brain 1) There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the brain can feel no pain. 2) Reading aloud and talking often to a young child promotes brain development. 3) The left side of your brain(left hemisphere) controls the right side of your body; and, the right side of your brain (right hemisphere) controls the left side of your body.  4) When children learn two languages before the age of five, it alters the brain structure. 5) Every time you recall a memory or have a new thought, you are creating a new connection in your brain. 6) Laughing at a joke is no simple task as it requires activity in five different areas of the brain. 7) The average number of thoughts that humans are believed to experience each day is 70,000. 8) A living brain is so soft you could cut it with a table knife. 9) There are about 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain. 10) The h

Colour Psychology Therapy

Can Colour Impact Moods, Feelings and Behaviours?   In 1666, English scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered that when pure white light is passed through a prism, it separates into colours. Newton also found that each colour is compromised of a single wavelength and cannot be separated any further into other colours. Further experiments demonstrated that light could be combined to form other colours. For example: Red colour mixed with yellow light creates an orange colour. A colour resulting from a mix of two other colours is known as a metamer. Some colours such a yellow and purple cancel with each other out when  mixed and result in a white light. These completing colours are known as complements.  COLOUR PSYCOLOGY AS THERAPY Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practised chromotherapy or using colours to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colorology and is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatmen

My new friend

Today I met a great new friend, Who knew me right away, It was funny how she understood all I had to say. She listened to my problems, She listened to my dreams, We talked about love and life, She'd been there , too, it seems. She didn't interrupt me instead just listened very patiently, And didn't go away. I wanted her to understand, How much this meant to me, But as I went to hug her something startled me. I put my arms in front to pull her near, And realized that my new best friend was nothing but a mirror.

Blog Promotion

Promoting is a necessary step, it enables people to know about the varied products and services on the online market.  Recently a close friend of mine; Pankaj Kumar Sagar created his own  blog named; The Expedition Soul. Today I am here to promote his debut blog, so that it receives abundance love from all the readers across the world. Pankaj's blog would be centered on diverse topics ranging from travelling/ exploring in varied climatic conditions of India, gossips of Bollywood bustle, detailed exploration of news, debates on politics and social issues.  Click the below URL to read his first article Happy reading

Reader's Review

I believe the best way to thank an author is to write a review. I am so grateful to Almighty God and my readers for showering so much of love and blessings on my second book titled; 'The Mysterious Date.' I feel so happy, glad and delighted to share these beautiful reviews written by my readers.  I promise to continue the good work, and keep writing. Click on the below link incase  you wish to read my book.

Application of Knowledge

According to Anton Chekhov, ' Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice .' I believe whatever we learn, must be applied in our day to day lives, only then we can mastry that art. Post doing the Acupressure therapy course, I have made my own first aid kit, so that I can help and heal people whenever needed. MY First Aid Kit included the following :- 1 ) Methi Strips 2 )Sketch pens 3) Seeds (Methi and Chana dana) 4) Paper tape or surgical tape 5) Magnets 6) Probe 7) Jimmy and Foot Rollers 8) Elastic Ring After refereeing to my course notes plus the practical experience shared my by instructors, I have tried many therapies on my own self plus my loved ones.   I would be sharing some of the cool therapies with my readers so that they can try it on themselves plus help your loved ones as well.  These therapies are absolutely safe and have no side effects.  For relief from Constipation (unable to pass stool) Take a dark green sketchpe