My Special Best Friend

A poem I had written for my Best Friend on the occasion of his birthday. Unfortunately, he expired 5 years back (2014). But he will always be an essential part of my life plus I will forever cherish the beautiful memories we together spent. Dear Arun, On the day of your birthday, May the world change into a clay. You just say, And it moulds that way. You can control the world as a leader, And be perfect as a teacher. Though we became friends during the last year of Graduation, And Extension gave us a new position. During the planning of the UDAAN skit, We doubted whether it would be a great hit. The pride of Jai Hind College was on our shoulder, We all made it true, being the 2 nd position holder. Your prank of 1 st April 2012, makes me smile, I have still preserved it in my memory file. Making your extension report was my task, I performed it really very fast. Though I never noticed it included the use of SMS language, (ur-------> yo...