Magical World of Graphology


                                ‘Handwriting is a photograph of your mind.’

Graphology is the scientific study and analysis of handwriting. The term has been derived from two Greek words ‘Grapho’ means writing and ‘Logos’ means speech.  It’s a scientific method of identifying, evaluating, and understanding personality via the strokes and patterns revealed by handwriting. Nowadays people try to either fake or hide their behaviour from self and others, but they forget their handwriting tends to reveal everything about them. Handwriting is accurate, because once you learn to write, the structure of your actual handwriting is handed over to the power of your subconscious mind.

The thoughts and feelings in the human mind have an immediate impact in the formation of handwriting.  You will be able to spot differences in the handwriting by comparing your own writing samples written in various moods when you are angry, happy, tired or feeling sick. When you compare these different samples you will be able to see noticeable differences in pen stroke usage, even though your handwriting style remains basically the same.

Uses and Application of Graphology –

Ø Dating and socializing

Ø Roommates and landlords

Ø Business and professional

Ø Employee hiring and Human Resources Management

Ø Police profiling

Ø Self improvement and professional speaking

Ø Counsellor, therapist, and coaching 

                                Can we change our lives?
You can change anything if you are willing to do the work and have the right system to get it done. If you find a methodology and a way that works for you, you can make enormous changes quickly. Most people don’t change for several reasons, mainly because they cannot get past their fears or they do not know how. This skill will give you insight to change your life and the lives of those around you.

For example, if you change the way you cross the letter t, it then has a corresponding effect upon who you are, what you believe you are worth, how much money you feel you can have, and your general self-esteem.

Having an accurate means of uncovering and understanding basic character and personality traits has many advantages; knowing yourself is not the least of them.  A handwriting analysis report can help you gain insights into your own strengths and weaknesses. And though you may have to face some unpleasant truths, it will at least enable you to make wiser decisions for your personal and professional life.

Ms. Pooja Atul Kumar
Certified Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst)
Budding author


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