My Special Best Friend

A poem I had written for my Best Friend on the occasion of his birthday.
Unfortunately, he expired 5 years back (2014).

But he will always be an essential part of my life plus I will forever cherish the beautiful memories we together spent.  

Dear Arun, 

On the day of your birthday,
May the world change into a clay.
You just say,
And it moulds that way.

You can control the world as a leader,
And be perfect as a teacher.

Though we became friends during the last year of Graduation,
And Extension gave us a new position.

During the planning of the UDAAN skit,
We doubted whether it would be a great hit.
The pride of Jai Hind College was on our shoulder,
We all made it true, being the 2nd position holder.

Your prank of 1st April 2012, makes me smile,
I have still preserved it in my memory file.

Making your extension report was my task,
I performed it really very fast.
Though I never noticed it included the use of SMS language, (ur-------> your)
And it was used in all pages.

Enjoying my birthday, with the UDAAN friends,
Was the best moment of the day I had spent.
Applying cake on each other’s face,
Will always be a treasured phase.

As the train was on the station,
When you said you are at Dadar, gave me lot of tension.
As there was 1 minute remaining,
You suddenly arrived there panting.
Giving you a Dairy Milk, never meant to say 'Kuch Meetha Ho Jaye',
But the actual message was 'Thanks for coming, Take care and Good Bye.”

Though today we are in contact through messages and facebook.
But mind it, that’s only the outer look.
My Funda says 'Orkut, Facebook, Messages become old.'
But our friendship will be preserved as gold.

Finally would like to conclude, by saying,
No matter, whatever happens in life,
No misunderstanding should affects our friendship bond ever,
But if it does, lets promise to fight it together and remove it forever.

Last but not the least,
As per my point of view,
I am grateful to have a friend like you.
May our friendship bond remain the same,
Even after we reach the world of fame.
Happy Birthday

May your soul rest in peace Arun.
Return if possible.


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