My First Poem (Udaan Friends)

'The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.'--- Hubert H. Humphrey.

We got-together for a reason.
May our friendship bond, never change like the seasons.
Today in this busy world where everybody, is making loads of peers.
We have successfully completed friendship of Seven years.

Lets blow the candle and cut the cake with a knife,
May each year, we enjoy this day in our life.

Our group consists of 10 members,
Compromising of both genders.
Some are good mentors,
While some are very adventurers.
Some are crazy inventors,
While some are excellent storytellers.

Mumbai and Jai Hind College has fulfilled my so called long Dream.
By making me a part of this beautiful Team.
May the world look at our friendship bond with Respect and Pride.
And soon we become a example of Best Friends Worldwide. 

Remember the plans we used to prepare,
And the location was anywhere.
Because that time the point was to be together,
So that we remember these moments forever.

When I see a group of friends enjoying life.
I recollect the moments we spent together at Naturals, Chopatty & Marine Drive.
At that time a tear rolls down my eyes,

As I know I won’t gets these moments back at any price.

Though today we are in contact through Messages and Facebook. 
But mind it, that’s only the outer look.
My Funda says Facebook, Messages become old.
But our friendship will be preserved as gold.

C’mon give each other a promise today,
Lets be connected throughout are life.
Even at the age of Ninety,

May are friendship bond have the same charm and simplicity as it is in our Twenty. 

Finally would like to conclude, by saying
No matter, whatever happens in life,
No misunderstanding should affects our friendship bond ever,
But if it does, lets promise to fight it together and remove it forever.

Last but not the least,
As per my point of view,
I am grateful to have Best Friends like you.
May our friendship bond remain the same,
Even after we reach the world of fame.

                                                               Friends Since 2010


  1. Thankyou so much Jay.
    Will soon write for our mini gang as well.
    Hum Paanch


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